Wednesday, December 30, 2020
“The formula’s here; you’ve got it right here. It can be found in Philippians: “For whatever the situation I find myself in, I have learned to be self-sufficient. I am experienced in being brought low, and I have known what it meant to have abundance. I have learned how to cope with every circumstance: how to eat well or to go hungry; to be well provided for, or to do without.”
A little earlier, Paul says, “Rejoice always. Rejoice in the Lord. Again I say it: Rejoice.” I think of Ramchandra in Calcutta. I think of that AIDS victim in St. Louis. That’s what Paul is talking about. I had read it all my life and had never understood it. I mean, it was staring me in the face. I didn’t grasp it.”
— Anthony de Mello