Wednesday, January 13, 2021
This is for anyone who’s feeling stuck, or has felt stuck in the past (i.e. you and everyone you’ve ever met).
If you feel stuck, you are only stuck in your thinking—your beliefs.
If you expose your limiting beliefs and truly get that they are just beliefs (not the Truth), you will immediately liberate yourself.
The moment you discover a belief that has been holding you back and creating unnecessary stress, you feel lighter.
In a split-second you can transcend what you were convinced was a barrier. You instantly reconnect to the sense of possibility that is inherent in the present moment.
You are free to create again.
So, what are you creating in your work and your life right now? Are you making today your masterpiece, as Staffan Rydin says?
If not, how come?
What’s on your mind?
What conditions are you placing on your ability to move forward, to create, to serve, to simply be happy?