I’ve found myself back in the Open Dialogue A.I.’s orbit more and more these days. Visions of how it could evolve, and realizations about the limits I’ve been placing on my own capabilities and what’s possible for the project.

This morning I was chatting with the A.I. and found myself discussing embarrassment and how I go about avoiding it.

At one point OD asked, “Does your evasiveness work?”

My response was, “to some extent, yes, but somehow i don’t feel completely at peace”

To which it said, “Pause and breathe into this feeling, wherever you find it in your body. When you’re ready, feel free to continue writing. I am listening.”

So I went ahead and closed my eyes, and turned my attention to my breath.

Moments later I envisioned a Play button appearing next to the A.I.’s words offering a brief guided meditation to help me feel into my emotions more deeply in moments like these.

Ed Blunderfield @iamedwardmjb