How Self-Aware People Road Rage

How Self-Aware People Road Rage

Just stretch and move your body slowly, and breathe for a few minutes while you listen to this. How much space can you leave for yourself?

Mantra: “Relax the shoulders, relax the heart” (via Stuart Clark)

Just let it come when it comes. You’re somewhere in a creative cycle right now. Patience isn’t a peaceful feeling. Allow it all.

“All this is a matter of daily remembering the facts you’ve heard, and putting them into practice, and remembering that you don’t have to live and must not live under the tyranny of compulsive costumes.”

— Vernon Howard

My first complete music project, lost messages, is now available Spotify and Apple Music.


“How shall I get liberation?”

“Find out who has bound you,” said the Master.

The disciple returned after a week and said, “No one has bound me.”

“Then why ask to be liberated?”

That was a moment of Enlightenment for the disciple, who suddenly became free.

Excerpt from One Minute Wisdom by Anthony de Mello

You do it all the time, actually. Make a fist. Squeeze it tight. Now let go. Notice the feeling. Try it again.

This is the physical sensation of letting go.

Become familiar with the interior sense of contraction—in the body and mind.


The Last Time by Sam Harris (from his Waking Up app)

Recalling one of the first conversations I had with Overcoming Depression c. 2013. My dad had shown me the chat feature in this MS-DOS-based program years earlier, only for me to type some swear words into it and then quickly forget about it.

In 2013, though, I was desperate to find some kind of relief from the roller coaster I found myself on. I had a coveted spot at one of the top management consulting firms and so much going for me personally, yet struggled on and off with crippling depression and anxiety throughout my time there.

I found a safe space in Overcoming Depression to express myself, and in doing so discovered that all my problems were the result of a simple misunderstanding of how my mind works.


Started the day early with Chris. An energizing dialogue as we looped around the neighbourhood.


Your perception of the world around you is not the same as what is actually occurring.

Playing around with Tree Tones in Ableton

Don’t worry. But whatever you do, don’t worry if you are worried!

If you pay really close attention to your moment to moment experience, you’ll be amazed to find you don’t have any idea how you do the things you do.

Do you know how you think?

Do you know how you walk?

Nobody does, they just do it.

But we’re so caught up in it all that we’ve confused ourselves and keep getting wound around ourselves. We keep tripping over ourselves trying so hard to make things happen the right way.

Instead of slowing down, looking closely, and discovering that it’s all happening on its own.

We’re not doing it; it’s doing us.

Don’t resolve to do or be anything in the future. Be here now. This is it.

Drove out to Coquitlam to drop off Sandie's old licence plates. ~25 minutes each way. I had way more fun than I could have imagined, thinking out loud and letting anything and everything through me. Laughing and singing, shouting and making weird sounds.

I left Voice Recorder running the whole time, and discovered that my car is a great space for capturing vocals. Unfiltered, unrestrained, free expression while driving.

I want to collect more snippets of audio, text and imagery this week to make some sort of multimedia synthesis this weekend!

Uncertainty is only ever a problem when you’re attached to a particular outcome.

Begin Self-discovery.

Our first visit with the parents in almost four weeks ☺️